While some of the employees work at jobs requiring physical labor, most of the workers work at assigned workstations (desks) where they look at numbers and figures through a computer screen. Many peop...
While some of the employees work at jobs requiring physical labor, most of the workers work at assigned workstations (desks) where they look at numbers and figures through a computer screen. Many people, despite having the knowledge of time commitment, overlook the significance of working at a desk.
The following are tips on how to effectively increase productivity by utilizing desk space.
- Surrounding yourself, with things you like, can be productive.
It is argued that a clean desk helps in keeping mind unobstructed during work. While it is true for some, others feel free to decorate their work stations according to their tastes. Decorating desk with personal items is a continuous reminder that you have a life away from your desk as well.
Pictures of loved ones, inspirational slogans, art you like, saying on a sticky note, fake plant or other small objects (that you like) can help in triggering creativity during work.
- Listening to music can trigger creativity.
A person can be easily distracted by the hectic and noisy workplace he is working in. Listening to music helps to narrow your focus of attention. Even though putting on headphones may seem rude to some people, but it helps to drown the chaos surrounding you during work.
Music helps to evoke your inner desires which helps in stimulating creativity and, hence, increases overall productivity. Therefore, music availability at workstation is a must.
- Peeping through a window can be relaxing.
Some people are lucky to get a desk right next to a window. On the other hand, some are not lucky enough. Some argue that having a window right next to their desk is distracting. However, consuming natural light has many health benefits and it can be relaxing for eyes that have been staring at a computer screen.
Therefore, request for workstation right next to a window, if possible. It will help to increase your productivity at work.
- Taking a break is a must.
This one may seem the most obvious to you and least related to the organization of desk, but it is probably the most important one. This actually is considered one of the best ways to increase work productivity. But this does not mean that you wander around your workplace all day, making excuses to leave your desk so that you can avoid doing your work. But
, standing up and taking a break from your workstation is essential in order to become efficient and effective during work.

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